Events Calendar
Angels vs. Dodgers - Angel Stadium Multi Chamber Mixer Networking Event
The La Habra Chamber of Commerce presents the Angels vs. Dodgers, Angels Stadium Multi-Chamber Mixer Networking event.
Chamber Business Alliance Spring Mixer
You are invited to the Chamber Business Alliance Spring Mixer?network with businesses from 7 chambers.
Chamber Night at Senor Campos
Join us for Chamber Night at Senor Campos when we wait tables (compete) for Tips. Make a reservation for your favorate team, have a great evening and remember to Tip Big! Open to members of the Chamber Business Alliance and non members
Connect Up at Westridge Golf Club
Connect Up is on the move at Westridge Golf Club! Please join us for a great breakfast and great company
Delgado's House of Tools and Car Detailing Supplies Ribbon Cutting
You are invited to the ribbon cutting at Delgado's House of Tools & Car Detailing Supplies.